108 Proven Split Test Winners Book Review: Formula To The BEST Sales Page

Russel Brunson, the internet marketing genius and best-selling author, a masterpiece to the market titled ‘108 Proven Split Test Winners.’ This book was authored to show simple tweaks that can be used in websites to earn more money NOW. True to its promise, it is fully packed with practical strategies that can be used for higher website conversions. The best part is these techniques have been tried, tested, and approved by the author, who is a pacesetter in the world of marketing.


What is 108 Proven Split Test Winners all about? This book provides insight into the fundamentals of split testing. It is a controlled experiment whereby two variants are used, with their results being analyzed after the testing is complete. This method teaches how to effectively turn leads into conversions, and the power minimal changes on your landing page can have on your revenue.

The Russell Brunson Approach


As the founder of the most successful sales funnels software, Clickfunnels, Russell Brunson has a first-hand understanding of all the challenges that marketers face every day. It was primarily the motivation behind the establishment of the sales channel that has risen to be the best in the market today.


The greatest strength of Clickfunnel is that it is an all-in-one platform that provides businesses and marketers with all they need to succeed in the market.


Clickfunnel eliminates all technicalities that have long been associated with the website development and hosting, among other aspects. Instead, marketers get to have the freedom to rapidly develop web pages through a simple drag and drop system from the free layouts available.


All the simplicity is enhanced by features that make it possible to;

•    Produce one-click membership websites

•    Have access to e-mail automation thanks to Actionetics

•    Enjoy the incredible in-built invoicing and ability to collect payment details from clients right on the sales page.


The final distinct feature that Clickfunnels has and was the basis for writing 108 Proven Split Test Winners is its split-testing capabilities. Unlike marketers who use websites and have to rely on a split-testing software program, the sales funnel channel makes it possible to tweak a web page with a few clicks.


This is a great feature that makes it possible for marketers to try out a different version of the same web page to know which one will bring the highest conversions.


Unfortunately, Russell Brunson realized that many marketers, despite having this all-important feature, had a hard time creating split test funnels. He, therefore, decided to write a book that contains the best 108 split tests that have proven to be practical over the years.


As such, instead of relying on trial and error, marketers have a solid foundation for determining what will sell and what will not. The book is, in turn, mainly about turning leads to conversions without having to bear all the burden of finding the ultimate strategy for creating the best content.


What Is Split Testing?


The primary aim of digital marketing is to develop an advertisement or web page that is market-relevant and will have high conversion rates. Since it is near impossible to accurately predict and create the perfect web page on the first try, split testing comes to the rescue.


Defined in the simplest terms, split testing, also known as A/B testing is the process of creating two different versions of a web page. These versions will then provide the desired insights on what performs better for your target market.


Essentially, you must first have an original version of a web page that then provides a platform for creating a variation. These tests are always practical as they are done without the knowledge of all visitors to the web page, and the marketer has an independent analysis of their different performance.


The incoming traffic and user behavior can then be used for knowing the perfect strategy for reaching out to a particular audience.


Managing all these aspects can be challenging, and that is why the book 108 Proven Split Test Winners is a must-read for all marketers who want to maximize on this highly-effective technique. Largely, this is because many at times it is the tiniest of details that make all the difference when it comes to having maximum conversions.


The two variants used for A/B testing must therefore not be too much unlike as simple tweaks are all it takes to have a perfect controlled experiment.


The problem is that finding these details is the puzzle that many marketers always have a hard time discovering, and Russell Brunson makes them evident in the book. In having the missing pieces, all marketers can have the confidence of having an actionable formula for creating new the BEST sales page.  


This will make them stand out in the market. One thing you will love is the fact that Russell does not take you around in circles, but goes straight to the point and provides all the relevant details.


Sneak Peeks Into 108 Proven Split Test Winners


It would be pointless to tell of all the amazing benefits of this book without taking a quick look at what is between the pages. As the title suggests, there are a total of 108 split tests that are fully explained, and the best way to have a full grasp of all the techniques is to get the book. Among the aspects to expect as you read the book include;


•    The ‘Buy Now’ vs. ‘Free Trial’ hurdle. Marketers are always finding themselves in a tight spot when it comes to making potential a pitch for an offer. Russell Brunson dwells on these two aspects on page 10 of the book, clearly showing how one of these will result in a 158.6% increase in conversions.


•    If you do a free trial, should you go for a 7-day or 30-day trial? It is amazing how two of the same pages that are 100% similar except for the trial periods have a significant difference when it comes to conversions. The choice between a 7-day and 30-day free trial will either limit you at the current conversion level or result in an outstanding 100% rise in conversions.


•    How should you show the ‘Order’ button? The goal of every marketer is to sell but how you do it directly dictates whether you will have the desired conversions. A simple choice like having either a red order button or a green one can see you enhance conversions by up to 34%.


•   Animated Vs. Static headlines. It is pretty simple to drop conversions by up to 29% by making the wrong choice for your headlines. Page 22 of 108 Proven Split Test Winners illustrates this vital factor for your split tests.


•    Yes! Where you place the ‘Add to Cart’ button has an impact on your conversions. It is amazing how clients are influenced by factors that are often overlooked in many instances. Page 12 of 108 Proven Split Test Winners gives you insights on how having the ‘Add to Cart’ button in the wrong place will affect your conversions.


•    It settles the debate on long copy against a video sales letter. While different marketers from different schools of thought have different opinions on these aspects, apparently there is a winner when it comes to conversions. Pages 33 and 34 get to the why and how one of this will give you a 33% sales increase.


•    Not all free trials are the same. If you are looking to increase your conversion rate to 50% for your free trial members, then you need to craft it right. A single aspect that can make all the difference is whether you should request for credit card information or not? The right choice is the focus on page 78 of the book.


•    The ‘Dirty Little Conversion’ secret that always works. Russell Brunson reveals his secret on page 115 that has worked in every market it has been tested in. You will definitely want to try this out as soon as possible given it will give you conversions as high as 122%.


•    Boobs Vs. Obamas. This comes earlier on in the book on page 21 and aims to provide you with the right insights on how you should tailor your landing page. The choice you make between beautiful women and other influential figures can easily see you have a 45% increase in conversions. Doubtful of this? Try it out in your split tests after reading the book.


Is Reading 108 Proven Split Test Winners Worth The Effort?


There is a reason why Russell Brunson is a rare breed of top-selling digital marketing authors and a great influencer in the modern market. It all comes down to his style as he continually goes against the norm by providing his clients and readers, tricks many top-rated marketers are afraid to share.


This is not the conventional book by an author who wants to make money but a gift to all marketers who are after practical solutions.


The Big Catch


Russell Brunson is giving this book away for FREE.  considering it has information that is worth thousands of dollars, it is an offer unlike any other.  Why? Because he can, and as the founder of the most successful sales funnels software, he understands the value of sharing vital information to his subscribers and affiliate marketers.


To take advantage of this, all you have to do is become a member of the Funnel University and get to ride with the seasoned marketing gurus.

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