How Do You Write Catchy Headlines That Will Attract More People?

Writing catchy headlines is essential to make people read the information that you are trying to share.  This is especially so if you are selling your service or product because you need your audience to know more about this particular item.  Think of your headline as kind of your salesperson calling pedestrians walking outside your store to come in and check out your goods. And I will share with you tips on how to write catchy headlines.


How do you write catchy headlines that will attract more people?  


  • Understand your own target audience needs and wants.
  • Include a focus keyword in your headline.
  • Create an intriguing phrase that will let your audience want to know more.
  • Solve the present problem of your niche audience.
  • Try to place numbers inside your headline.
  • Check for headline inspiration with similar copy.
  • Use Funnel Scripts, a script generator to write it for you



Let me discuss each of these tips further.


Understand Your Own Target Audience Needs And Wants


If you know the people that you are targeting to sell your service or product, speak their language.  


This should be easy enough for you since you know your item well and what it can do for your customers.  You need to flavor your headline with words that can be understood by your prospective clients.


This can also work if you are trying to revive interest in your item.  You can talk about the features or even offer discounts to move sales.  You can perhaps even discuss other ways that they can maximize the usage of your service or product.


It would also be very helpful if you can compose your headline in a way that you will be appealing to what matters most with your audience.  


For example, if you are promoting an item that makes you feel great like a soap.  You can create a headline that will say something about them feeling like the cleanest person in their workplace.  In essence, you are appealing to their pride and vanity which is an excellent way to convince them to buy your item.


Include A Focus Keyword In Your Headline


Let me inform you right away that having the right keywords in your headline could very well spell the difference between success and failure.  


Why is this so, you may ask.


The reason is you want to have your headlines rank high in Google searches.  Chances are your target audience will go through Google to search for your service or product and it is your responsibility to get yourself near the immediate top of the list when they do so.


And that is why you need a keyword.  This is the key that will unlock the vault for you and enable you to be discovered in the Google search results.  


There are plenty of tools on the internet that will come up with keywords for your products.  Some tools even share the search volume for your tentative keywords.


You just need to type in your proposed headline which should include the item you are selling.  Take notice of these words and edit the same headline that will include the keyword(s) generated.


When you have the keywords finalized, try to place it at the start of the headline to enable you to catch the reader’s attention right away.


Create An Intriguing Phrase That Will Let Your Audience Want To Know More


What you are trying to do here basically is to tease your audience into wanting more of what you are saying through the use of catchy phrases and words.


This plays right into what you are hoping to achieve anyway which is to sell your service or product to people.  An element of mystery or a dash of intrigue will unleash this need of your prospective customers to follow your lead since they are hooked by your great headline.


According to BuzzSumo, which is a research and monitoring tool, the following catchy phrases and words generated the most number of Facebook engagements:


  • Will make you
  • This is why
  • Can we guess
  • Only x in
  • The reason is
  • Are freaking out
  • X stunning photos


X means a particular number being used.  


If you can incorporate these words, you are giving yourself a great chance of coming out with the best copywriting headlines ever.


Let’s face it that there are a lot of people who really want to have excitement in their lives.  They want something new, something exciting to lighten up their daily schedules.  If you could include something exciting in your headline, you will definitely get a lot of clicks from these people.


Buzzsumo also indicated that emotional headlines drive Facebook engagements.  These are some of the most powerful headlines and they include the following catchy phrases words:


  • Tears of joy
  • Melt your heart
  • Is too cute
  • Makes you cry
  • Can’t stop laughing


I caution you though to be very careful here.  You do not want to include the actual steps in the headline for two reasons: 1) you are removing the mystique of your headline and 2) this sounds like work to your audience and they will find this unappealing.


Solve The Present Problem Of Your Niche Audience


Respect your audience, in a manner that you are making sure that their precious time is not senselessly wasted.  Your headlines will be setting up their expectations so you better make sure that you are not deviating or overselling the content that will follow.


Powerful headlines can promise interesting and valuable things to its prospective readers.  They will do a good job of catching attention. Things like improving the reader’s daily commute routines, cooking habits, and workout regimens can be sources of good headline examples.


A great headline that will give value to your customer’s time like offering new information will be appreciated by them.  You are valuing their time spent reading your article by making it worth their while.


This will make it logical for your readers to read on since they are looking for additional information and solutions.  And if your headline can solve a concern of your audience, you are looking at a greater chance of becoming a success with what you are selling.


Try To Place Numbers Inside Your Headline


It is known that people love numbers since it is familiar and totally relatable.  


There is something finite about them and it keeps people informed as to how long they have to read the article.  The best copywriting examples ever always include numbers because they allow people to monitor the things that they are reading and makes it simpler for them to summarize points taken.


These are some catchy advertising headline examples that incorporate numbers inside:


  • 5 Ways To Increase Your Bench Press Weight That Your Trainer Is Not Teaching You
  • 7 Things That Can Improve Your Morning Routine According To Buddhist Monks
  • These 5 Tips Made Me Sleep Better And You Also Can Easily Learn This


I would also advise you to use odd numbers since they are more effective.


Check For Headline Inspiration With Similar Copy


There is nothing wrong with checking similar subjects published earlier since they obviously have good advertising headline examplesYou are looking for inspiration and you can definitely mine these headlines for catchy phrases and words.


Just do not copy these powerful headlines word for word for obvious reasons.  Revise the texts to fit the message that you are trying to share with your readers.


There are also online sites that can repackage these old headlines and craft new and compelling ones. 


Use Funnel Scripts To Write Your Headlines For You


There are online sites that can take in the topic that you have and come up with creative headline examples, where you can select the right one for you.  If these programs cannot craft the right one that you really like, it may, at least, generate ideas that can later help you come up with the correct headline.

I would suggest that you try Funnel Scripts because it will do the work for you like coming up with the catchy headlines that are sure to attract attentionIt can also generate for you the excellent sales copy and scripts that you can definitely use especially if you are trying to sell your items online.


If you click on this link, this will take you right away to their catchy titles generator page.  You can give this a try free of charge and I believe that you will like what you see.  It is so easy to use and the headlines that it will generate for you are very compelling and interesting.


I am positive that you will find this quite helpful for your business.  You will not only get this catchy advertising headline generator but you can get more from this product such as video sales scripts, sales pages, and more for a one-time payment that is good for unlimited use.


Additional Tips In Writing Catchy Headlines


  • Keep your headlines below 70 characters so that it would not be shortened when searched upon online.
  • If you want your headlines to be tweetable, it needs to be in the 120 to 139 character length range.
  • Keep your headlines simple and easy to understand.

Related Questions:

What is a catchy headline?

It is simply a headline that will catch the eye of a reader so that he will make them want to click on the advertisement or the article.  It must include catchphrases and thoughts that will make it interesting enough for the reader to follow what comes after the headline.


How do you create a good title?

You can start by writing each word that comes to your mind when you think about your story.  You can brainstorm this further by studying related titles in your genre. Other thoughts here are that the title should be exciting, easy to remember, and uses strong, vivid words.


What makes a good newspaper headline?

This newspaper headline has to be correct when verified for facts first and be able to connect with the readers of the paper.  It also needs to be attractive to catch the reader’s attention and can match the desired tone of its article. This headline will have to be precise since you would not like the reader to be confused when they read the rest of this article or leave with unintended meaning.


How do you think of headlines?

First, come up with lots of them and then test it your market.  Great headlines can definitely overdeliver what it promises and should be helpful to its readers.  Using numbers and digits and placing it at the beginning part of this particular headline would definitely help in catching attention.

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