My Story and My Journey

Just a little intro to who I am, my name is Viet Huynh and I am an online entrepreneur.  I’m a husband and father, who for years has worked in the e-commerce space from the comforts of home.  

It at times is a lonely journey, but that’s what us entrepreneurs alone can understand.  Let me share with you the story of why I started this blog.

It is a quick story of how I was making great money selling products online and then one day I was making nothing.  

At the time I was trying to grow my e-commerce empire month after month.  

I was struggling with getting new customers consistently at the same time retaining old ones.  

And more and more I was getting frustrated as a solopreneur handling every step in my business.  Doing everything from beginning to end over and over again.

Then out of nowhere something bad news came.  The main sales channel I was using was giving me problems limiting my access to their platform.

This meant I wasn’t able to even fix the problem.  So I was wasting time spinning my wheels doing damage control on my business, which was now making no money for me at the time.

So as you can tell, I was in bad shape and felt the desperation.  But being a successful entrepreneur was not a dream that I was willing to give up on.  

Then one day I discovered what a sales funnel means to every online business.

Everything changed at the moment!

I discovered how to increase the profits on every customer that buys from me.  How to present my customers with an offer they couldn’t refuse. And how to build my email list, the lifeblood of my business to grow an asset that I own and market to when I want.

Because I discovered what a sales funnel means to an online business, I was able to make more money month after month.  

I now get free time to spend more quality time with my wife and kid, instead of worrying about anything happening to my online business.  

Now my goal is to share this life-changing discovery with as many entrepreneurs out there struggling in their business.

I’m now living the dream of being a successful entrepreneur and I never have to worry about losing the control of my business, at the whim of a selling platform.   

This is the underlying reason why I’m so passionate about the info I will be sharing on Sales Funnel Insider.  So now you too can be a successful online entrepreneur.

I will share my experiences on each step I took.  Give you the blueprint on everything I researched and had to learn on my journey.  Share with you my results, both victories, and failures.

Because I believe that knowing the failures saves others valuable time in their entrepreneurial journey.

If it is something I feel people need more information about I will share it.

Please share this with someone who is having some of these same issues.

Also, let me know if you have any questions that you would like articles written on in the future.

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